Database of Toxicant Exposures and Responses
DNA methylation
DMR associated with "Dip2c" gene
DMR | Position | Length | Distance to TSS | Tissue | Exposure | Sex | Methylation Level |
1 | chr13:9189200-9189400 | 200 | -87225 | Blood | BPA10mg | Female | hypo |
2 | chr13:9254600-9254800 | 200 | -21825 | Blood | BPA10mg | Female | hypo |
3 | chr13:9277800-9278000 | 200 | 1375 | Blood | BPA10mg | Male | hypo |
4 | chr13:9296400-9296600 | 200 | 19975 | Liver | TBT | Female | hyper |
5 | chr13:9387600-9387800 | 200 | 111175 | Liver | TCDD | Female | hypo |
6 | chr13:9504400-9504600 | 200 | 227975 | Liver | TBT | Female | hypo |
7 | chr13:9508600-9508800 | 200 | 232175 | Hypothalamus | PM2.5(JHK) | Female | hypo |
8 | chr13:9515000-9515200 | 200 | 238575 | Blood | BPA10mg | Female | hypo |