Database of Toxicant Exposures and Responses
DNA methylation
DMR associated with "Ndfip1" gene
DMR | Position | Length | Distance to TSS | Tissue | Exposure | Sex | Methylation Level |
1 | chr18:38391800-38392000 | 200 | -27075 | Liver | BPA10mg | Male | hyper |
2 | chr18:38404400-38404600 | 200 | -14475 | Blood | BPA10mg | Female | hypo |
3 | chr18:38406400-38406600 | 200 | -12475 | Blood | TBT | Female | hyper |
4 | chr18:38406800-38407200 | 400 | -11975 | Liver | TBT | Female | hyper |
5 | chr18:38410000-38410200 | 200 | -8875 | Blood | BPA10mg | Female | hypo |
6 | chr18:38414400-38414600 | 200 | -4475 | Liver | PM2.5(JHK) | Male | hypo |
7 | chr18:38414600-38414800 | 200 | -4275 | Liver | PM2.5(JHK) | Female | hypo |
8 | chr18:38418000-38418200 | 200 | -875 | Blood | BPA10mg | Female | hypo |
9 | chr18:38418000-38418200 | 200 | -875 | Blood | BPA10ug | Male | hypo |
10 | chr18:38426000-38426200 | 200 | 7125 | Blood | TBT | Female | hyper |
11 | chr18:38429800-38430000 | 200 | 10925 | Liver | TBT | Female | hyper |
12 | chr18:38429800-38430000 | 200 | 10925 | Liver | TBT | Male | hyper |
13 | chr18:38429800-38430000 | 200 | 10925 | Blood | BPA10mg | Female | hypo |
14 | chr18:38445000-38445200 | 200 | 26125 | Blood | BPA10mg | Female | hypo |