Database of Toxicant Exposures and Responses
DNA methylation
DMR associated with "Ppef2" gene
DMR | Position | Length | Distance to TSS | Tissue | Exposure | Sex | Methylation Level |
1 | chr5:92264000-92264200 | 200 | -10941 | Blood | BPA10mg | Female | hypo |
2 | chr5:92261000-92261200 | 200 | -7941 | Blood | BPA10mg | Female | hypo |
3 | chr5:92258800-92259000 | 200 | -5741 | Blood | BPA10mg | Female | hypo |
4 | chr5:92258800-92259000 | 200 | -5741 | Blood | BPA10mg | Male | hypo |
5 | chr5:92258000-92258200 | 200 | -4941 | Blood | BPA10mg | Female | hypo |
6 | chr5:92256000-92256200 | 200 | -2941 | Blood | BPA10mg | Female | hypo |
7 | chr5:92249000-92249200 | 200 | 4059 | Blood | BPA10mg | Female | hypo |
8 | chr5:92241000-92241200 | 200 | 12059 | Cortex | DEHP | Male | hypo |