Database of Toxicant Exposures and Responses
DNA methylation
DMR associated with "Zbtb24" gene
DMR | Position | Length | Distance to TSS | Tissue | Exposure | Sex | Methylation Level |
1 | chr10:41385600-41385800 | 200 | -64658 | Liver | TBT | Female | hypo |
2 | chr10:41424600-41424800 | 200 | -25658 | Liver | TCDD | Female | hypo |
3 | chr10:41424600-41424800 | 200 | -25658 | Liver | PM2.5(CHI) | Female | hypo |
4 | chr10:41451400-41451600 | 200 | 1142 | Liver | As | Female | hyper |
5 | chr10:41451600-41451800 | 200 | 1342 | Liver | TBT | Female | hyper |