Database of Toxicant Exposures and Responses
Gene information
Gene Symbol | Gene Name | Ensemble ID | Status | UniProt ID | Structure Visualization |
Aoc1 | amine oxidase, copper-containing 1 | ENSMUSG00000029811 | protein-coding | E9PYN9_MOUSE | AlphaFold |
Subcellular Location:
Expression of "Aoc1"gene in different tissues
OCR associated with "Aoc1" gene
OCR | Position | Distance to TSS | Differential accessibility | Annotation |
1 | chr6:48885650-48886047 | -9406 | NO | Intergenic |
2 | chr6:48887909-48888584 | -7008 | NO | Intergenic |
3 | chr6:48901288-48902013 | -3335 | NO | intron (NM_029638, intron 1 of 4) |
4 | chr6:48902996-48903410 | -1783 | NO | intron (NM_029638, intron 1 of 4) |
5 | chr6:48894991-48895540 | 11 | NO | promoter-TSS (NM_029638) |
6 | chr6:48895777-48896405 | 836 | NO | intron (NM_029638, intron 1 of 4) |
7 | chr6:48912128-48912491 | 7324 | NO | Intergenic |
8 | chr6:48916656-48916901 | 11793 | YES | Intergenic |