ToxiTaRGET Database of Toxicant Exposures and Responses

Gene information

Gene SymbolGene NameEnsemble IDStatusUniProt IDStructure Visualization
Dedd2death effector domain-containing DNA binding protein 2ENSMUSG00000054499protein-codingDEDD2_MOUSEAlphaFold
Function: May play a critical role in death receptor-induced apoptosis and may target CASP8 and CASP10 to the nucleus. May regulate degradation of intermediate filaments during apoptosis. May play a role in the general transcription machinery in the nucleus and might be an important regulator of the activity of GTF3C3.
Subcellular Location: Nucleus, nucleolus {ECO:0000250}. Note=Nuclear, accumulated in subnuclear structures resembling nucleoli. {ECO:0000250}.

Expression of "Dedd2"gene in different tissues

OCR associated with "Dedd2" gene

OCRPositionDistance to TSSDifferential accessibilityAnnotation
1chr7:25219305-25220154129NOintron (NM_207677, intron 1 of 4)
2chr7:25218804-25219027943NOexon (NM_207677, exon 2 of 5)

Exposure induced DNA methylation change