Database of Toxicant Exposures and Responses
Gene information
Gene Symbol | Gene Name | Ensemble ID | Status | UniProt ID | Structure Visualization |
Dgcr6 | DiGeorge syndrome critical region gene 6 | ENSMUSG00000003531 | protein-coding | E9QP31_MOUSE | AlphaFold |
Subcellular Location:
Expression of "Dgcr6"gene in different tissues
OCR associated with "Dgcr6" gene
OCR | Position | Distance to TSS | Differential accessibility | Annotation |
1 | chr16:18036462-18036991 | -16133 | YES | Intergenic |
2 | chr16:18047713-18047972 | -5017 | YES | Intergenic |
3 | chr16:18052683-18053153 | 58 | NO | promoter-TSS (NM_010047) |
4 | chr16:18066025-18066997 | 108 | NO | exon (NM_001289813, exon 1 of 5) |
5 | chr16:18068285-18068463 | 1971 | YES | intron (NR_110380, intron 2 of 4) |
6 | chr16:18068870-18069308 | 2686 | YES | intron (NR_110380, intron 2 of 4) |
7 | chr16:18071704-18071882 | 5390 | NO | TTS (NM_001289813) |
8 | chr16:18072118-18072389 | 5851 | YES | TTS (NM_001289813) |
9 | chr16:18073590-18074056 | 7420 | YES | intron (NM_011172, intron 11 of 13) |
10 | chr16:18074257-18074881 | 8166 | YES | intron (NM_011172, intron 11 of 13) |
11 | chr16:18075237-18075531 | 8981 | YES | intron (NM_011172, intron 11 of 13) |