ToxiTaRGET Database of Toxicant Exposures and Responses

Gene information

Gene SymbolGene NameEnsemble IDStatusUniProt IDStructure Visualization
Fam213bperoxiredoxin like 2BENSMUSG00000029059protein-codingPXL2B_MOUSEAlphaFold
Function: Catalyzes the reduction of prostaglandin-ethanolamide H(2) (prostamide H(2)) to prostamide F(2alpha) with NADPH as proton donor. Also able to reduce prostaglandin H(2) to prostaglandin F(2alpha). {ECO:0000269|PubMed:18006499}.
Subcellular Location: Cytoplasm, cytosol {ECO:0000269|PubMed:18006499}.

Expression of "Fam213b"gene in different tissues

OCR associated with "Fam213b" gene

OCRPositionDistance to TSSDifferential accessibilityAnnotation
4chr4:154898217-154899471199NOintron (NM_025582, intron 1 of 6)
5chr4:154893686-1548947674816NOintron (NM_013783, intron 21 of 23)

Exposure induced DNA methylation change