ToxiTaRGET Database of Toxicant Exposures and Responses

Gene information

Gene SymbolGene NameEnsemble IDStatusUniProt IDStructure Visualization
Lurap1leucine rich adaptor protein 1ENSMUSG00000028701protein-codingA2A8F6_MOUSEAlphaFold
Subcellular Location:

Expression of "Lurap1"gene in different tissues

OCR associated with "Lurap1" gene

OCRPositionDistance to TSSDifferential accessibilityAnnotation
1chr4:116144222-116144759125YESexon (NM_026547, exon 1 of 2)
2chr4:116143232-1161437491125YESintron (NM_026547, intron 1 of 1)
3chr4:116137483-1161377976976YESexon (NM_026547, exon 2 of 2)
4chr4:116135924-1161362398534NOTTS (NM_026547)
5chr4:116135021-1161352379487YESintron (NR_131048, intron 1 of 2)

Exposure induced DNA methylation change