ToxiTaRGET Database of Toxicant Exposures and Responses

Gene information

Gene SymbolGene NameEnsemble IDStatusUniProt IDStructure Visualization
Lypla2lysophospholipase 2ENSMUSG00000028670protein-codingLYPA2_MOUSEAlphaFold
Function: Acts as a acyl-protein thioesterase hydrolyzing fatty acids from S-acylated cysteine residues in proteins such as trimeric G alpha proteins, GAP43, ZDHHC6 or HRAS (By similarity). Deacylates GAP43 (By similarity). Mediates depalmitoylation of ZDHHC6 (By similarity). Has lysophospholipase activity (PubMed:10064901). Hydrolyzes prostaglandin glycerol esters (PG-Gs) (PubMed:25301951). Hydrolyzes PG-Gs in the following order prostaglandin D2-glycerol ester (PGD2-G) > prostaglandin E2 glycerol ester (PGE2-G) > prostaglandin F2-alpha-glycerol ester (PGF2-alpha-G) (By similarity). Hydrolyzes 1-arachidonoylglycerol but not 2-arachidonoylglycerol or arachidonoylethanolamide (By similarity). {ECO:0000250|UniProtKB:O95372, ECO:0000269|PubMed:10064901}.
Subcellular Location: Cytoplasm {ECO:0000250|UniProtKB:O95372}.

Expression of "Lypla2"gene in different tissues

OCR associated with "Lypla2" gene

OCRPositionDistance to TSSDifferential accessibilityAnnotation
1chr4:135972044-13597296888NOpromoter-TSS (NM_011942)

Exposure induced DNA methylation change