Database of Toxicant Exposures and Responses
Gene information
Gene Symbol | Gene Name | Ensemble ID | Status | UniProt ID | Structure Visualization |
Sfrp1 | secreted frizzled-related protein 1 | ENSMUSG00000031548 | protein-coding | SFRP1_MOUSE | AlphaFold |
Subcellular Location:
Expression of "Sfrp1"gene in different tissues
OCR associated with "Sfrp1" gene
OCR | Position | Distance to TSS | Differential accessibility | Annotation |
1 | chr8:23411287-23411664 | -26 | YES | promoter-TSS (NM_013834) |
2 | chr8:23419366-23419818 | 8090 | NO | intron (NM_013834, intron 2 of 2) |
3 | chr8:23425244-23425628 | 13934 | YES | intron (NM_013834, intron 2 of 2) |
4 | chr8:23428751-23429022 | 17385 | NO | intron (NM_013834, intron 2 of 2) |
5 | chr8:23435374-23436155 | 24263 | NO | intron (NM_013834, intron 2 of 2) |
6 | chr8:23436635-23436881 | 25256 | NO | intron (NM_013834, intron 2 of 2) |
7 | chr8:23470211-23470626 | 58917 | NO | Intergenic |
8 | chr8:23476015-23476368 | 64690 | NO | Intergenic |
9 | chr8:23477513-23478143 | 66326 | NO | Intergenic |
10 | chr8:23507657-23508159 | 96406 | NO | Intergenic |