Database of Toxicant Exposures and Responses
Gene information
Gene Symbol | Gene Name | Ensemble ID | Status | UniProt ID | Structure Visualization |
Trim59 | tripartite motif-containing 59 | ENSMUSG00000034317 | protein-coding | TRI59_MOUSE | AlphaFold |
Subcellular Location:
Expression of "Trim59"gene in different tissues
OCR associated with "Trim59" gene
OCR | Position | Distance to TSS | Differential accessibility | Annotation |
1 | chr3:69062648-69063098 | -18131 | NO | Intergenic |
2 | chr3:69049054-69049354 | -4462 | NO | Intergenic |
3 | chr3:69044294-69045366 | -88 | NO | promoter-TSS (NM_025863) |
4 | chr3:69041371-69041643 | 3235 | YES | intron (NM_025863, intron 2 of 2) |