ToxiTaRGET Database of Toxicant Exposures and Responses

Gene information

Gene SymbolGene NameEnsemble IDStatusUniProt IDStructure Visualization
Zc3h6zinc finger CCCH type containing 6ENSMUSG00000042851protein-codingA2AP88_MOUSEAlphaFold
Subcellular Location:

Expression of "Zc3h6"gene in different tissues

OCR associated with "Zc3h6" gene

OCRPositionDistance to TSSDifferential accessibilityAnnotation
1chr2:128966952-128968317233NO5' UTR (NM_178404, exon 1 of 12)
2chr2:128969460-1289696382147NOintron (NM_178404, intron 1 of 11)
3chr2:128972250-1289726035025NOintron (NM_178404, intron 1 of 11)

Exposure induced DNA methylation change