Database of Toxicant Exposures and Responses
Gene information
Gene Symbol | Gene Name | Ensemble ID | Status | UniProt ID | Structure Visualization |
Zbtb24 | zinc finger and BTB domain containing 24 | ENSMUSG00000019826 | protein-coding | ZBT24_MOUSE | AlphaFold |
Subcellular Location:
Expression of "Zbtb24"gene in different tissues
OCR associated with "Zbtb24" gene
OCR | Position | Distance to TSS | Differential accessibility | Annotation |
1 | chr10:41385505-41386252 | -64479 | YES | Intergenic |
2 | chr10:41392802-41393018 | -57448 | NO | Intergenic |
3 | chr10:41434676-41435056 | -15492 | NO | Intergenic |
4 | chr10:41449781-41451430 | 248 | NO | intron (NR_102360, intron 1 of 6) |